Surefire ways to make money Blogging or from blog.(Guaranteed)

make money blogging


Blogs formerly known as web-logs are a great way of sharing content, ideas, news and many different things. Today there are more than 100 thousand blogs out there, but is it possible to make money blogging?
Yes it is, with all the technological developments and amazing tools, money is just a step away for a well established blogger. Read it again folks, a well established blog.

1. Make Sure You have a well-established Blog.

If you are thinking to make money from your blog, the first thing you need is a good blog with a good audience.In a nutshell if you have this, you are half way home. All money money generated from a blog is by advertising and affiliate marketing for which audience is the key element.
Before moving to the next steps make sure you have this, if you don't then go back and start now.There isn't a better time.
make money

2. Content is still the King.

To have a blog, you also need loads of content, in fact more the content, greater is your chance to make money from your blog. If you have content, it means there is more chance for you to have your blog in google results which means you have more indexed pages. So obviously more people will find your blog through different topic and more is your chance to earn money.

content is king

3. Cpc ad network.

Yes that is your ticket to making money. CPC advertising is Cost Per Click advertising and as the name says you get paid per click, which mean for every visitor or viewer that clicks on the ads on your blog, you get a certain % of money. 
There are many CPC dvertsisng services and the most preferred onne is google adsense.
But in case you aren't comfortable with adsense, here is a list of alternatives to use:
adsense alternatives

  • Chitika- A good service to use for earning a bit of money through your blog. If you are new to advertising and you have a small blog, this is recommended.  Thier minimum payout is $10 . To go to Chitika click here.                                                                               

chitika ads

  • ClicksorA great and relatively new site which allows you to put ads both in text and info ads. Their minimum payout is $30. To go to Clicksor click here.                                                                  clicksor ads

  • Vibrant mediaIt is similar to clicksor and is famous for their in-text ads. Now it also has the option of in-image ads.To got to vibrant media, Click here.                                                vibrant

    • Info Links-  It is another great in-text advertising service and a good way to generate some revenue from your blog.                                                                                           

    infolinks ads

    4. Affiliate product sales.

    Affiliate sales means when a product or service is sold directly from someone referring it.
    Its like my friend is selling a book and you want to buy a book, so I refer my friend to you and I get a % of my friend's profit.
    Here is a list of Affiliate programs:

    5. Direct selling

    If you think you have something to offer your costumers, start your own e-store at your blog.
    It is a great way to earn some money and make your blog famous. You can sell basically anything, it can be premium membership, an e-book ,a special report or a secret recipe, the list goes on. Find something, some creative way and who knows may be you van make a fortune.
    sell ebooks   make money from blog selling ebooks   sell recipes

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